SALE - All 22" & 24" monitors are $25 off the marked price 30 day warranty Lenovo 22" VGA, DisplayPort & DVI regular $65.00 model T2254pc Lenovo 22" HDMI, DisplayPort & VGA regular $75.00 model LT2252p Lenovo 24" VGA, DisplayPort & DVI regular $75.00 when available all prices include taxes in price ** We accept cash, debit or credit card - no personal cheques. ** Please call (306)777-3431 for more information. Hours of Operation Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 - 3:00 We are located at 2106 1st Ave. door located at back of the building. Pioneers Salvage Sales - The SaskTel Pioneers is a not for profit volunteer organization committed to improving the quality of life in our communities. Proceeds from Salvage Sales go to support SaskTel Pioneer Community Projects