I have 4 sleeping bags , ALL CLEAN and IN EXCELLENT CONDITION , each priced separately from $20 to $65. ( The $65 bag cost approx. $200.OO ) . There are no pics. I am home much of the day if you want to come for a look, and I PREFER BEFORE suppertime if possible. I also have propane stoves, BBQ's ( camping and full sized ) , heaters, and other camping items too many to list. Also fishing rods with reels @ $15 for the set , and Evenrude/Johnson outboard fuel tanks @ $35 ( discount for 2 or more ) . ALSO HUGE TRACTOR & COMBINE TUBES , thick rubber , various sizes up to 7 ft in diameter , starting at $30 . Pull them behind a boat in summer and a snowmobile/ATV in winter. Read the full ad and tell me what you want and when you'd come for a look.